5 Ideas to Increase Your Squeeze Page Conversions

Sometimes small changes on your squeeze page can make significant improvements in your conversion rate. Just think – if you improve your squeeze page conversions by just 5%, and right now you’re getting 100 people to your page per day, that’s almost another 2,000 subscribers a year for what might take you 15 minutes to tweak. So go ahead, test out these 5 ideas and see how much you can improve the conversion rate on your page…
  1. Bigger is better. Tests have shown that the bigger the button on your squeeze page is, the higher your conversions will be. Test making your button larger and see what happens. If your conversions increase, then increase the size of your button again and retest to see if your conversions continue to improve.
  2. Bolder and Brighter is Better. Tests have also shown that making the opt-in button a very bright, contrasting color can increase conversions. We’re not talking obnoxious psychedelic hurt-your-eyes orange here, but a color that still goes with your page while standing apart from everything else on your page. Test changing your button color to something eye-catching and see if your conversions don’t increase by 3% or more.
  3. Two Steps are Better Than One. This goes against what most people think, but test show it’s often true – if your squeeze page only contains a button and no form, you can get a higher conversion rate. The way it works is the prospect clicks a button to download the report, and up pops a form asking for their email address. At this point they’ve committed themselves and thus are very likely to take the extra step to fill in the form. Using this two step sequence seems to bypass their need to “think about it” and instead they simply do it.
  4. When using the two step squeeze page, use this copy on your button: “Click Here To Download”. Simple and highly effective because it tells them very clearly what to do. Again, test this against what you’re using now.
  5. This is old school, but bears repeating: Your headline should be so riveting, they would continue reading no matter what else is happening around them. If your headline doesn’t pass that test, improve it. This can make the biggest increase in your conversions, sometimes doubling and even tripling them if you go from a bad headline to a great headline.
Improving the conversion rate on your squeeze page means more prospects for the same amount of effort and advertising, which means more sales and more money in your pocket. If you do nothing else online, perfect  your squeeze page to make the most of the traffic you send to it, and then send your list high converting affiliate offers. You’ll be shocked at the results you get. Here is one of my squeeze pages: https://hiit.tlgfitness.com/

How to Sell a Boring Product

Let’s face it – some products are just more boring than others. An air filter that takes out all the nasty stuff you don’t even know is there in the first place? Uninteresting. A video game that makes you feel like you’re going at mach speed with your hair on fire? Exciting! So how do you sell a dull product? By making it exciting. As an example, let’s take one of the most ho hum products there is: White bread. If you’re like most people, you’re already yawning. Sell white bread? You’d rather sell dust. But what if you make that white bread into delectable fry bread? Spicy croutons? Brandied bread pudding? Combine it with chocolate fondue? Toasted cheese with tomato and turkey? You get the picture – it’s not the product you’re selling at all, it’s what you can do with the product. It’s the sizzle, not the steak. You’re selling pimple cream? Then you talk about how they’ll be pimple free, right? Not really. Yes, you’ll show the before and after, the face with the pimples and the face without. But what you’ll talk about is how they’ll finally get the girl they’ve been lusting after for the past six months, or how the boy of their dreams will finally notice them and ask them to prom. How about life insurance? What product could possibly be more boring and even repulsive than life insurance? Burial insurance, I suppose. Who wants to talk about either one of those? But what if you made that life insurance and burial insurance EXCITING! Think it’s not possible? I think it’s VERY possible. Consider this: When Joan Rivers recently passed away, we heard a quote from her that went something like this: “When I die, I want my funeral to be a big showbiz affair with lights, cameras, action… I want paparazzi and I want publicists making a scene! I want it to be Hollywood all the way. I want to look gorgeous, better dead than I do alive. I want to be buried in a Valentino gown and I want Harry Winston to make me a toe tag. And I want a wind machine so that even in the casket my hair is blowing just like Beyonce’s.” And by all accounts, Joan’s funeral was indeed a beautiful, funny, lovely and bittersweet event attended by 1,000 of her closest friends. So why don’t life insurance sales people and burial people help the client plan a FUN funeral that shows the person as they truly were in life? Why not help them leave behind a legacy for their loved ones, a tribute to their life and give them a feeling of immortality? It would be so simple to do, and the insurance/burial people who do it would be rich beyond measure because they’d have no competition. Imagine that – a life insurance person being SOUGHT OUT by clients. Yes, it could happen for them, and it can happen for you, no matter what it is that you’re selling. So stop worrying that you have a product that makes paint drying look fascinating, and find a way to make it EXCITING, memorable and yes, FUN! Do this and you will be rich indeed.