Is List Building a Dead Art?

We all agree that a list of subscribers is every business most valuable asset. That it why all businesses should be actively building their list of subscribers.

The traditional method of building a list is to offer people incentive to signup. You promise to give them something if they join your list. As many who read this may attest, this is still working.

However, people are getting less and less responsive and you need to put out very enticing offers to get them to sign up.

Is there a better way?

I’m glad you asked – because I think there is!

Did you notice how major news sites like the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and many others encourage their readers to signup?

First they let them consume some content – they hook them up – and then, just as they are starting to find it interesting, they mask the content and ask them to signup if they want to read the rest of it.

This method has proven to be a very effective way (they wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t) of getting readers to join your list.

Now, if you want to do the same with your own list building effort, you will find it to be not so easy to implement. Using a ready made website plugin may help but then you find yourself limited to written content.

What if you want to use video? How can you let people start watching your video and interrupt their viewing to ask for their details?

And what about an eBook – can you let them read part of it and then interrupt and ask them to signup?

Up until now this was extremely difficult to do and that is why you do not see many marketers use these methods.

What if I told you that now you can do all that (and more) with a simple 3 step cloud based system – would you be interested?

I’m thrilled to share with you my latest cloud based system that can lock 4 different types of content – mid way – and ask your visitors for their details.

Want to learn more? Check it out here: The new EZ Content Lock System
EZ Content Lock cloud-based system

How You Can Automate Your Website Building and Content Publishing

You’ve probably received so many emails with offers in your online career that you’ve grown tired. Maybe you’ve bought some money-making apps and methods that have let you down. Maybe you think that everything is a scam.

I completely understand, and you are not alone. A friend of mine, Richard, is very successful, but he still buys apps and opportunities. I asked him why, and he said because 1) he enjoys it and 2) he never knows when he’ll come across a great idea that will make him even more money. But when you’re struggling to make money, it’s not fun, and you HAD to come up with that great idea yesterday.

Again, I totally understand. Richard struggled for a long time just like you. He finally had success when he started creating content sites. He focused on a specific niche and created a site that served that niche. He wrote articles that were interesting to that audience. He shared those articles on his social media accounts. And when the visitors came, he made money from the ads on the website.

This method worked and still works today, but it has one big problem: scalability. That means you quickly hit a plateau beyond which you can’t create any more websites. Even an old-school guy like Richard, who can build websites quickly, would get bogged down in content.

You can only write so much, because writing takes time. And when you’re paying people for articles, you have to spend money before you know if the site is worthwhile. Richard decided to reach out to the programmers he knew to see if they could automate part of the process. It turned out that they had automated the entire process. He even automated the content.

Richard wanted as little work as possible: provide a domain name and website title, enter the niche for the website content, and click the GO button. He deployed his new app and built an entire network of content sites that completely changed his world. The money rolled and is still rolling.

And he doesn’t have to lift a finger.

After Richard’s app fully builds the site, it starts “stealing” relevant content from other places and publishing it in a specific way that is completely ethical and legal. It is the same method that big companies like Yahoo use to fill their huge websites with content. His sites update themselves with new content as it becomes available, and they even share each post across a wide list of Richard’s social media accounts.

Richard has more than enough money to be comfortable. And he told me he wanted to help people who are struggling in these difficult times just like he is. So he “spruced up” his app and is now making it available to you for the first time.

Richard’s Smart Content Profits is an online app that you can log into from anywhere, on any device. With just these three pieces of information – domain name, website title, and niche keyword or keyphrase – you can create an entire website in minutes, including self-updated “legally stolen” content. Each published article will be shared on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and properly formatted to help you get viral traffic and valuable linkbacks. The pages are even hosted on the same high-speed web host that Richard himself uses.

In other words, you can build an empire of highly profitable websites just like Richard did.

Everyone (including me) told Richard to charge a high price for Smart Content Profits. He was determined to help people, so he priced Smart Content Profits SUPER low, much lower than you would ever expect for such a powerful app. So I felt compelled to tell you about it.

Check out my review and bonus page to get the best deal you can:

The Coal Wagon

The Flying Scotsman is a beautiful steam locomotive in the United Kingdom, at one time she was the fastest train in the world. She is powered by a steam engine, that is fuelled by coal. These days, it’s old technology, I’m sure you’ll agree. Right behind the locomotive is a coal wagon, this wagon is painted up to look much like the rest of the steam engine, but in actual fact, it is a separate wagon. The thing is, by itself it is useless, just a box with wheels for storing coal, the same is true of the steam engine, without the coal wagon, it’s a huge hunk of iron unable to even move. But together they make a steam locomotive, and at the height of the steam era, it was the fastest and most powerful steam locomotive in the world. But without the symbiotic relationship between the two both are nothing. The same is often true in our businesses and our lives. It’s not the core components by themselves that determine success, but how they interact together. It’s about the partnership and equilibrium the develop together that determines success. As Internet Marketers, we are reliant on our websites and campaigns but also the partners we have to not only source products to sell, but also to assist us in selling and marketing those products. Only working all together in symbiotic relationships can we all achieve the successes we are looking for. Lots of entrepreneurs and self-employed people will tell you that they built their companies, their success all by themselves. But if that is true, where did they get their products or services to sell? During the late nights, what about the husband, or wife, or significant other, that brought you that cup of tea, or stayed by you sometimes supported you while you were building that success? Much like the coal wagon behind the steam engine, they deserve an acknowledgement in your success story too. If you look at any situation honestly, there is always someone that lends you a hand along the way, or someone that you have lent a hand to. Every day in our lives and businesses we build the most important and most often underappreciated elements of our lives, we build relationships, symbiotic and otherwise. Success doesn’t come from doing everything by yourself, it comes from recognising when to reach out your hand and offer or accept assistance from the contacts around you. To some you may be the steam engine, to others the coal wagon, but together you are a great and beautiful steam locomotive. Take a minute today to reach out to those people who fuel your work.

Recipe for Success with Affiliate Marketing

It is Marketing
In the 20 or so years of being online and looking into every marketing method you could think of, I remained firm in my belief that Affiliate Marketing is not only the easiest form of marketing for anyone to begin with but also a must have tool in the arsenal of all marketers. Affiliate marketing is, in my view, the purest form of marketing. People involved with affiliate marketing focus solely on marketing activities and not on any of the activities you would need when creating your own product or selling physicals products. Over time it became apparent – there is a simple, straight forward, recipe for success with affiliate marketing. And it goes like this:
  1. Drive traffic (visitors) to your pages and capture their details by offering them something they want
  2. Send your visitors to an offer that earn you commission
  3. Follow up with your subscribers and add value
  4. Track everything!
Sounds simple, right? Well, sometimes what sounds simple can be difficult when you actually try to do it:
  • How do I drive traffic?
  • How do I create my pages?
  • What do I put on those pages?
  • How do I capture their details?
  • How do I send them messages?
  • What do I say in those messages?
  • And so on…
There are many tools and systems that can help you do all that. Maybe you even tried some of them. How did that work out for you? Having the tools and systems may solve the technical aspect of the tasks you need to perform (even though some may be so confusing they actually hinder you and not help) but that is not enough. You also need the proper guidance. You need someone who know all this to show you the exact steps you need to take. A long time friend of mine, who is also a very successful marketer on his own right, just launched a new version to his system that was already ahead of the pack, doing all that for you. This is so new he asked me if I could help him by inviting people to test it out, for just $7. Does that sound like something you would like to do? Go ahead, click HERE and test out the new Quick Funnels system for free! Then, let me know what you think of it…

How MrBeast Grew His Channel to 34.8 MILLION Subscribers

How MrBeast Grew His Channel to 34.8 MILLION Subscribers!
Wanna know MrBeast grew his channel? In this FREE Youtube video (click the image on the page), you’ll see how he used YouTube to blow up, become rich, donate millions, become the fastest growing channel in history, and much more! ? Are you an Entrepreneur that would like to meet others (just like you), who understand you, and will support and guide you on your journey? Join us! JOIN ALPHAPRENEUR ?

Advanced Marketing Workshop [Youtube Video]

Advanced Marketing Workshop
Do you want a digital marketing strategy that will give you the unfair advantage on every social media platform? I’ve got you covered! In this video, you’ll discover 27 secret underground marketing strategies and tips nobody is talking about, and much more! Are you an Entrepreneur that would like to meet others (just like you), who understand you, and will support and guide you on your journey? In this video, you’ll find the one place on the internet that is built for Entrepreneurs! If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you owe it to yourself to watch this video: Advanced Marketing Workshop

Do you live the life you want?

If you said no, then… WHY NOT? Life is short. You don’t have time to wait for opportunities and solutions that suddenly appear on your doorstep. Other people know that. You can see them living amazing lives, celebrating success and enjoying every minute of fulfilling their dreams… And yet you’re still waiting. Well, that has to change. Starting now. You see, the main reason you’re not living the life you want is one thing: lack of planning. To live the life you want, you have to make your own destiny. Sure, that’s hard! It is much easier to sit back and complain about not getting a break and blame external factors for your dissatisfaction or lack of performance. But you know what? Whining is not gonna get you anywhere. Planning gets you everything. (Or at least much more than nothing). Read more HERE… Today’s Daily Digest:
  • Commitment
  • Make Billions With a Free Product
  • Never Split The Difference
  • Email Outreach on Autopilot
  • Kobe Bryant on Advertising

Self Doubt? We Can Help


Have you ever told yourself that there is something you cannot do? Have you ever had the feeling that you shouldn’t even try a new task, skill, or project because you think you would probably fail?

That’s a big pile of self-doubt right there.

Most of us will suffer from self-doubt at some point in our lives. We tell ourselves that we are not good enough, that we made a bad decision, or that there is simply nothing we can do.

That lack of trust is never far away. Sometimes it can make us panic when we are faced with a challenge – simply because we doubt our ability to cope with it.

Even the people we admire – people who seem confident, happy and successful – are victims of self-doubt. Like everyone else, they can spend hours torturing themselves about how good they are or whether or not they can do anything.

You see, self-doubt often has nothing to do with real abilities. It is just a poisonous thought that stands in the way of achieving our goals.

But to overcome this thought, you need a strategy: This is exactly what we will give you here.

Today’s Daily Digest:

  • Command Your Mind
  • Be More Personable
  • Outliers
  • Next Gen Keyword Research
  • The Latest Streaming Battle

Click HERE to read more…

Today’s Daily Digest:
Command Your Mind
Be More Personable
Next Gen Keyword Research
The Latest Streaming Battle