How You Can Automate Your Website Building and Content Publishing

You’ve probably received so many emails with offers in your online career that you’ve grown tired. Maybe you’ve bought some money-making apps and methods that have let you down. Maybe you think that everything is a scam.

I completely understand, and you are not alone. A friend of mine, Richard, is very successful, but he still buys apps and opportunities. I asked him why, and he said because 1) he enjoys it and 2) he never knows when he’ll come across a great idea that will make him even more money. But when you’re struggling to make money, it’s not fun, and you HAD to come up with that great idea yesterday.

Again, I totally understand. Richard struggled for a long time just like you. He finally had success when he started creating content sites. He focused on a specific niche and created a site that served that niche. He wrote articles that were interesting to that audience. He shared those articles on his social media accounts. And when the visitors came, he made money from the ads on the website.

This method worked and still works today, but it has one big problem: scalability. That means you quickly hit a plateau beyond which you can’t create any more websites. Even an old-school guy like Richard, who can build websites quickly, would get bogged down in content.

You can only write so much, because writing takes time. And when you’re paying people for articles, you have to spend money before you know if the site is worthwhile. Richard decided to reach out to the programmers he knew to see if they could automate part of the process. It turned out that they had automated the entire process. He even automated the content.

Richard wanted as little work as possible: provide a domain name and website title, enter the niche for the website content, and click the GO button. He deployed his new app and built an entire network of content sites that completely changed his world. The money rolled and is still rolling.

And he doesn’t have to lift a finger.

After Richard’s app fully builds the site, it starts “stealing” relevant content from other places and publishing it in a specific way that is completely ethical and legal. It is the same method that big companies like Yahoo use to fill their huge websites with content. His sites update themselves with new content as it becomes available, and they even share each post across a wide list of Richard’s social media accounts.

Richard has more than enough money to be comfortable. And he told me he wanted to help people who are struggling in these difficult times just like he is. So he “spruced up” his app and is now making it available to you for the first time.

Richard’s Smart Content Profits is an online app that you can log into from anywhere, on any device. With just these three pieces of information – domain name, website title, and niche keyword or keyphrase – you can create an entire website in minutes, including self-updated “legally stolen” content. Each published article will be shared on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and properly formatted to help you get viral traffic and valuable linkbacks. The pages are even hosted on the same high-speed web host that Richard himself uses.

In other words, you can build an empire of highly profitable websites just like Richard did.

Everyone (including me) told Richard to charge a high price for Smart Content Profits. He was determined to help people, so he priced Smart Content Profits SUPER low, much lower than you would ever expect for such a powerful app. So I felt compelled to tell you about it.

Check out my review and bonus page to get the best deal you can: